Saturdays at The Castle – We’re trying to re-start Saturdays at The
Castle! If you’re interested, contact the office (bookings essential)
Emails for Respite and Rosters – Please send all emails for care/rostering to (please continue to cc: admin mailbox while we introduce the new mailboxes)
Please note, we will not be using the respite email address
We are recruiting! Precious Angels are looking for people who are caring, friendly, and fun, and want to work in disability support. We are ideally searching for more workers in the Redland Bay/Wynnum Manly area. If you or anyone you know are interested, please send a resume through to our admin email.
Precious Angels Office Hours are 8:30am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday. If the office is closed, please contact the afterhours number (0421 521 750). The afterhours phone is shared between Amanda during the week and Kayla on weekends.
Mackay Office Number (07) 4846 1964. Mackay Afterhours number 0493 248 053.

From the desk of Amanda:
Welcome to our new online format! I am very excited and think Brendan has done an amazing job for our first online newsletter. I welcome your feedback and suggestions, as always.
The sad news I have to share this week is the resignation of our much loved Office Administration lady - Aidan. Aidan has been instrumental in my growth and success as the General Manager, and I could not have made it thus far without her continued support and dedication to Precious Angels. Aidan has been my right hand for so long, and I know she will be sorely missed by everyone at Precious Angels. Our farewell to Aidan coincides with our next staff social at The Castle on 4th May. Please come along to share your appreciation for Aidan and to wish her all the best for her future. There will be cob loaf.
I'd like to formally introduce Kayla Coenik-Farnham as our new Respite Coordinator in Brisbane. Kayla is an EN and comes to us from an Aged Care background, and will be providing Support Worker training as well as Respite Coordination.
Oasis Mackay has a new permanent address! Cathy and Ian are excited to announce our new permanent Mackay respite home at 6 Eshman Street North Mackay. Our Mackay branch is doing well, and are also recruiting and looking for more support workers. A new permanent address will ease the pressures of relocating every 6 months, as the rental market remains unstable. Brisbane will wait another month before searching for another respite facility ourselves.
Thank you to all of our Angel Support Workers, for their amazing gift of caring for our Angel Families. I know our families appreciate you also.
Please enjoy the fabulous photos and if there is anything you would like to see in this newsletter, please contact the office.

We've had ourselves a busy fortnight! Bowling, Lily's birthday and our usual out and about fun, enjoy the photos!
Happy Birthday to Lily!
We were so happy to celebrate Lily's 21st birthday this week! We had a such a blast making this day special for her with family and friends.
Bowling with The Angels
As part of our regular program we got to take some of our participants bowling this week. Pictured are Monique and Lily, Tara, Jy and Mekhayla giving Finn a hand, as well as Ethan, Deanna and our Castle coordinator, Apple.
Out with the Angels
Here's Caleb, Jasper, Jasmine and Brayden enjoying some activities with our Angels.
Angel of the Fortnight
This fortnight we want to acknowledge Etu and all the fabulous work she does. Always happy to help out others and compassionate with her participants, she's part of what makes Precious Angels so great!

Coming up at The Castle
Next week, to commemorate Star Wars day, we have a black and white theme for dress as well as Storm Trooper bowling, pin the lightsaber on the Yoda and a Death Star toss.
Do or do not, there is no try. May the 4th be with you.
Of course Mother's Day is coming up as well, so moving past Star Wars, we'll be engaging in a sensory flower garden. Focusing on touch, visual aids and smells we'll have a litany on botanical stimulus to help engage our participants.
Upcoming Birthdays
2nd Charlie C
5th Kiran *
5th Dennis * 10th Leanne *
17th Tina *
Note: Asterisks denote Precious Angels team member