August Castle Theme - Next week we continue EKKA Theme, with craft farm animals and games, and Ethan Allen's 21st birthday. We'll be having a circus themed birthday party for him on Tuesday.
We will be hosting a hen hatchery soon! We will have 2 or 3 baby chickens, and a dozen ready to hatch eggs. If you want to keep any chickens after the program, let us know as they will be available for adoption. After EKKA week we'll be having book week, writing our very own Castle Story, including all of our favourite characters (and of course book week dress up!)
Emails for Respite and Rosters – Please send all emails for care/rostering to (please continue to cc: admin mailbox)
Please note, we will not be using the respite email address
Precious Angels Office Hours are 8:30am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday. If the office is closed, please contact the afterhours number (0421 521 750). The afterhours phone is shared between Amanda during the week and Kayla on weekends.
Please note, Amanda and Cathy are both on leave from 14 August to 27 August.
Mackay Office Number (07) 4846 1964. Mackay Afterhours number 0493 248 053.
Love our service? - If so, we'd appreciate leaving us a review on Google. Also, we will be sending a survey out soon to all our families asking for feedback on Management, Administration and Support Workers in Brisbane and Mackay.

From the desk of Amanda:
Medication Administration training is booked for Tuesday 29 August for another group of support workers, and we are grateful to our RN Bridget for assisting us with this.
Michelle from Open Colleges will be assisting with refresher training for our staff on Thursday 31 August - first module will be Manual Handling.
We have been liaising with a Fire Safety person to ensure our Emergency Plans for our participants, staff, Day Centre and Respite homes are up to date and meeting required safety guidelines.
We have engaged the services of an IT Solutions provider. They will be providing an all encompassing solution to our Office Software and Hardware woes, and we look forward to presenting a more professional face to the public.
Survey - we will be sending a survey out to all families in the near future to check in and gauge our progress and your satisfaction.
New Participants - we have capacity to take on new families. We will be approaching local schools to help get the word out. I'm also going to see if we can start hiring staff for north of the river. Hopefully we can start to expand our services to include more of Brisbane.
I am going to be away from Wednesday 16 August returning to the office on Monday 28 August. I will be cruising to PNG, and hopefully relaxing in the warmth (So excited to complain about being hot!). Dillon will be sitting in my seat, and I am confident he will do so admirably. Dillon will have the Brisbane afterhours phone.
Cathy will also be away from Monday 14 August returning Monday 28 August, and Toni in Mackay will be mananing our Staff and participants. Toni will have the Mackay afterhours phone.

@The Castle
We've had a blast this fortnight at The Castle!
SWARA, Barbie theme, sensory play, games and empowering independence in daily activities we had lots of smiles and lots of experiences with our participants and we absolutely loved every second of it!

Out with the Brisbane Angels
Bowling, lounging, excavating and even a pony! It's been a pretty great week for all of our Participants and Angels. Featuring Ethan and Ethan, Toby and Deanna bowling, fun outings with Samuel at his Physical therapist (making great progress) and Wynnum Waterfront. Trips to the shops and movies for Connor, as well as Joel with Chevy his pet pony.

Photo of the Week
Looking very handsome, here's young Master Ethan proving that he is Kenough! What a great smile :)

Angel of the Fortnight

The Angel Award this fortnight is going to Helayna!
We'd like to acknowledge Your ability to connect, talk, and share with participants in such a genuine and heartfelt manner is truly fantastic.
Thank you for your ongoing effort and keep up the amazing work!

Upcoming Birthdays - August Edition
1st Abbey*
3rd Amanda*
8th Jenna
16th Ethan
17th Jessica *
24th Cathy*
24th Noorjan
Asterisks denote Precious Angels team members

We acknowledge the Yuggera people as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our centre is located and where we meet, work, and learn. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We also acknowledge all other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who call our region home.
